Daily Archives: January 3, 2010

Where do you see yourself in five years? Realistically? Teaching improv on cruise ships.

Dear Tina,

So I went on imdb.com to see what positions exist on the 30 Rock production team that would be a good fit for me, being a newcomer to the industry and all. Let me be clear that I am not suggesting I replace anyone on your team. I’m just to let you know where I feel I could be most helpful.

1. Casting Assistant. I’ve worked in a casting office before. I have a well rounded knowledge of acting and auditioning. I know what to look for in an audition–what works and what doesn’t.

2. Production Assistant. I have great organizational skills. I can be inconspicuous when necessary, which I imagine can be important on set, but still always available and ready to anticipate what is coming next.

3. Script Coordinator. I love reading scripts. Especially reading a script before you see it performed for the first time. It’s this strange juxtaposition of knowing the story yet, if the actor has done his job right, experiencing it in a whole new, animated light. I know my personal interests aren’t necessarily what you’re looking for in a good script coordinator. So I should also mention that I have good editing skills developed from years and years of paper writing.

4. Assistant to the Writers. If the writer’s room at 30 Rock is as fun as it appears at TGS than I would be more than happy to assist. I have a killer iPod for late night dance breaks. I sincerely enjoy cleaning and tidying up (I’m the type of girl that will make my bed at 9:30 at night so that my room looks nicer for the last hour or so I’m awake). And I’ve taken on a wide variety of assistant positions in the past where I think my efforts were highly appreciated.

5. Paperwork Production Assistant. I have really nice handwriting and I love filling out forms (longhand or electronically). When I was younger I would always fill out all of the Allen children summer camp and back to school forms for my mom because she hated it so much.

Runner Up. Anything.

Give it a thought! Thanks Tina.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Jenna: I am so glad that I time-traveled here from 1969. Whoa, what is that iron bird?
Jack: They had airplanes in the sixties Jenna.

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Filed under 30 Rock, Employment, Tina Fey