Daily Archives: January 9, 2010

Look every great get away has that moment where you want to pack it all in and stay. That’s how I ended up with a time share in Port Arthur, Texas

Dear Tina,

I’m on the run again today so I don’t have too much time to write. However, in the off chance that you’re surfing the web today, googling yourself, etc. and happen to come across this, well I would hate to appear to have dropped the ball. I was reviewing the entry I posted last night and I think, albeit hard to do, I found a picture of myself where I actually appear paler than Powder. Not an easy feat but leave it to me to pull it off. The picture is a mere thumbnail and cropped so I’m sure it was hard for you to notice that it was actually taken in front of Silvercup Studios in Queens. Last October my best friend Daniel and I spent a long weekend in New York City and first on our agenda was a trip to Silvercup. Here’s another shot of us with the Silvercup sign in the background and I appear slightly less translucent.

We were staying with a friend of Daniel’s who he went to college with and now lives in Harlem. On the train ride there his friend asked “So what are you hoping to do when we get there?” We stared at him blankly before responding, “Um…find Tina Fey?” What did he think we wanted to do there? Learn the history of the production facility? Meet up with the cast of Ugly Betty? I scoff at such preposterousness. Now I guess at the time it didn’t seem unrealistic to bump into you on your way to work, start up a conversation peppered with witty banter, and spend the rest of the day gossiping on and off set. However, upon not finding you immediately when we reached street level, we decided to make the adventure worth our while and walked into the studios anyway. Ignoring the puzzled looks on the security guards’ faces, we gazed up at the framed posters on the walls. The same ones I could have looked at had we decided to spend the morning at Sam Goody. So after realizing that our inside look at Silvercup Studios would be ending the same place it began–in the lobby–we left and walked around the premises. We tried to be as conspicuous as one needs to be when one is interpreting what is essentially a large brick warehouse as a tourist spot. I would look up at second story windows and say things like “that could be my office one day!” to which Daniel’s friend would respond “Did you guys want to go to a museum or something?” In a minute, let me get a shot of this barbed wire fence first.

My career felt palpable there. I have absolutely no regrets about taking a couple of hours out of my trip for an excursion where the highlight was finding an open door with five or six construction workers inside building nothing. So there’s another reason you should hire me Tina. I already know how to get to work! No midwest, small town, country bumpkin baggage attached to this girl. Also, I’m totally low maintenance. Despite what I said above, I would definitely accept an office without any windows. I would also accept not having an office.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Tracy: That’s a white myth, like Larry Bird and Colorado.

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Filed under 30 Rock, Employment, Television