I’m here to talk to you television about the monetizing of today broadcast. Was any of that usable?

Dear Tina,

The evening really got away from me. All of a sudden it’s nearing 11:00 and I haven’t written a thing! Actually, that’s a lie. I started writing an entry about my belated Christmas gift, one full hour of all new 30 Rock, but I didn’t feel I could do it justice in the amount of time I had. It also would have required going downstairs to rewatch the episodes on our DVR and now I’m upstairs and ugh I’m exhausted just thinking about it. No fear Tina, I’ll let you know all my thoughts on your work tomorrow. I understand that with my mediocre writing abilities and “intern” being the highlight of my resume, you’ll be chomping at the bit to read it. It’s just like when you were younger and you asked your mom a homework question and your little sister piped in with the answer. I am of course the little sister in this scenario and in real life. Except you are smarter than me and in real life my older sister calls home to ask what kind of butter we buy. Um, we buy…stick butter but if you go with the tub butter you’ll probably get the same results. Project Manager might have a problem with this post.

So yes I slacked with the writing tonight but not with the television viewing. After enjoying two blissful hours of comedy on NBC (Will Arnet on Parks and Recreation! Be still my heart!), I immediately changed the channel before The Jay Leno Show began. I almost flipped over the coffee table in rage after accidentally watching the first ten seconds of the opening credits. And my mom hates when I do that. Lucky for me I had a plethera of 9:00 options. Otherwise I would have had to go read a book. Yeesh.

Currently, I am watching the return of Watch What Happens Live on Bravo. A show I selected for background noise while I work but then Andy Cohen was gesticulating a lot and I got distracted. I’ll just go ahead and apologize now for the lack of focus or intellect happening in this post. I have to be honest, though Tina, if things don’t work out for me over at 30 Rock I would not turn down an employment opportunity from Andy Cohen. Even if the offer was to lounge around with him in my pjs and make Rice Krispie treats. As long as it came with good dental insurance. Ever since Andy Cohen officially outed himself on The Real Housewives of New Jersey Reunion Special (“Well I’m gay and I found it offensive”) he seems to be having a lot more fun. I just resisted the impulse to write “having a gay ole time.” I probably would have done it if there was a way to produce a “ba dum bum ching” sound bite as soon as you finished reading the sentence. But there’s not, so I didn’t. In all seriousness, he’s my second choice. Well maybe you’re my first and second choice, kind of like the first two rules of Fight Club, and he’s my third choice. The man ends his show with a Mazel of the Week. How fun is that? You know what? I’m going to do it too, with apologies to the Bravo network. My Mazel of the week goes to the American Girl doll sitting behind Andy on his set. Or rather, the set decorator who thought…”Ok we have some books, we have some tchotchkes, some lamps, we need…an American Girl doll. Perfect. Roll Camera.”

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Tracy: You know what?  Race card!
Pete: No! Don’t accept it!

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Filed under 30 Rock, Andy Cohen, Bravo, Television, Tina Fey

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