Daily Archives: January 21, 2010

I hate January. It’s dark and freezing and everyone’s wearing bulky coats. You can do some serious subway flirting before realizing the guy is homeless.

Dear Tina,

I was just thinking on my drive home from work tonight how mild this Chicago winter has been so far compared to last year. Last year it was so cold one night I parked my car on Wells and over the course of the night my car basically froze to the street. Initially I enlisted the assistance of a bus boy from Fireplace Inn who came with an enormous shovel in hand. When that didn’t work, my friend Lara showed up in her light pink terry cloth sweatpants and pushed the car out with the strength that would accompany any 90 pound frame. How timely it all is then that tonight’s all new 30 Rock episode dealt with “Winter Madness.” Hey! That’s the name of the episode (Yes that is a borrowed joke from Arrested Development for those paying attention)!

The episode begins with Jack and Liz taking the elevator up together as Liz grumbles on about how miserable winter is. Jack, always one to offer practical explanations, describes it as people experiencing Seasonal Affective Disorder. “Oh! Is that where the word ‘sad’ comes from?” This momentary brain lapse brought to you by online Boggle. “What? You think sad is an acronym invented by psychologists?” Scoff. I wish I had someone like Jack in my life to constantly point out the ludicrousness of most things I say. I should hang out with more Republicans.

Remember last week when I explained that I think I have a lot in common with Liz Lemon? Well that reached a whole new level of “no I really do” during the, second I believe, Larry Bird reference for the series. Jack says he has received a picture message from Nancy of the female Larry Bird. Lemon’s knee jerk response: “Come on! How is female Larry Bird holding hands with a guy? What am I doing wrong?” Whenever I hear a story like the female Larry Bird finding the love of her life, my turn around time for making it about me is as casual as Usain Bolt’s 100m dash. What about my needs?!  No, I kid. But I do share the frustration.

As the writers become increasingly irritable, Liz and Pete (such an underrated presence on this show) decide it may be time for a company offsite in Miami. They present Jack with their idea in hopes that it will be approved by GE. The presentation is as follows, word for word: “Cross promotional. Deal mechanics. Revenue streams. Jargon…synergy.” It reminded me of the presentational interview Tilda Swinton gives at the beginning of Michael Clayton because they both remind me how boring business is. Sure enough, Jack approves the trip after the “best presentation [he’s] ever seen” but changes the location from Miami to Boston to meet up with his lady love Nancy.

The central story line involving the writing staff suffering from winter crabbiness felt like it may have been a parallel to some real time emotions happening in the 30 Rock writer’s room. I’m going to be honest, when I envision myself working on 30 Rock sometimes I worry that what I’m actually picturing is working on TGS. Either way Tina, I would welcome a trip to Boston with open arms even if it was the middle of January. I would even room with Lutz to save you some grief. Of course I would probably ask him to sleep on the barcalounger or in the bath tub with some towels but at least you wouldn’t have to hear about it!

Which brings me to Nancy Donovan played by Julianne Moore. I love Julianne Moore. I think she is one of our most talented actresses and very underused. That may be her choice but I thought I would declare it anyway in case she’s looking for a 23 year old to stick up for her. Sometimes people need the things they can’t bring themselves to ask for. I’m just saying. Now you may be thinking all of this Julianne Moore praise is attached to a “BUT” because I’ve been doing that quite a bit lately with some of my other favorites BUT…it’s not. What I would like to say is that her Boston accent sounds like Little Edie of Grey Gardens fame. I enjoy it thoroughly. The same way I enjoyed finding the tape of my performance in White Liars when I was 17 and had a German accent. Boy did I nail turning those w’s into v’s!  My education on Boston accents starts and ends with Matt Damon in Good Will Hunting so she may be spot on. However, every time she spoke I pictured her with a sweater wrapped around her head tossing Wonder bread onto the attic floor for the raccoons. I haven’t read into official word of how many episodes she is signed up for but based on her vow to try “wicked hahd” to make things right with Jack, I imagine we aren’t through here yet.

The trip to Boston was filled with wonderful high jinx. Highlights included Lutz getting to pick the lunch place for his birthday and selecting the gas station near his house. Kenneth responding to Liz’s question of who would like to go on a historical walking tour with “I would. N’t.” Employees at the Boston affiliate station all being named Sean. When Liz goes to Jack’s office and seeks advice on how to prevent her employees from resenting her, he tells her “Let me give you some advice on uniting a divided people. Find a common enemy. For example what keeps people polite on airplanes? A shared hatred for the CBS sitcom they’re forced to watch.” YES! SLAM! Can I put under “additional qualifications” on my resume that I too have a shared hatred for CBS sitcoms? Yes? I’m hired? Great.

As always, Tracy said it best:

Sure find a scapegoat. Just like John Hancock did with the good King George.

Not to be out down by his “Impeach George W. Washington” t-shirt.

Finally, Tina I really need you to get back to me on this one. When Jack said “7 items are different. See if you can spot which ones” and the music and camera angle shifted an homage to Blue’s Clues? I watched it and then rewatched it several times and concluded that was the most logical explanation. If it was not a Blue’s Clues reference, well then I’m a little S.A.D. that that is where my mind went first.

A delight to watch Tina. I don’t know how you guys do it over there. But I am up for learning.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Jack: I’ll be with you in a minute. I have a conference call with my corporate division head.
Liz: Oh yeah, you guys gonna…correlate…overseas report…dynamics…?
Jack: Yes.

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Filed under 30 Rock, Employment, NBC, Television, Tina Fey