Daily Archives: January 28, 2010

Affirmative action was designed to keep women and minorities in competition with each other, to distract us, while white dudes inject AIDS into your chicken nuggets. That’s a metaphor!

Dear Tina,

I have so much to say and so little time to say it! Scratch that, reverse it. I don’t have much to say and I spent most of my evening having an epic dinner conversation with my parents. Topics included, but were not limited to:

  • Moby Dick
  • Poopy Diapers
  • Accounting
  • The Civil Rights Movement
  • Old English
  • Stay-at-home moms
  • Learning to iron
  • Salesmen
  • Book Clubs
  • Miss Manners
  • Changing a flat tire
  • Peter Jackson

Like I said, it pretty much took up half of my night and all of my brain. I told a story about how I grew to love Holden Caulfield during our intermission tribute to J.D. Salinger. At one point the word “simile” was mentioned. It was a lot. I would have enthusiastically written a recap of 30 Rock but alas, it was a rerun. I spent that time before dinner watching Teen Mom and wondering what it would be like to be engaged and still have braces. So with 30 Rock out of the running and Teen Mom too depressing to be in the running, I considered discussing Oprah’s interview with Jay Leno. But then even I am sick of hearing myself talk about that. And I am my biggest fan (I mean that in the arrogant way, not the healthy self-esteem way). However, when I got home tonight I ventured on over to nymag.com, my only online news resource, besides Perez Hilton. Although I can’t really call something a “news resource” that draws phalluses on Michael Lohan’s face. I’m getting off track here aren’t I? The point is, I was going to write about Japrah but then I read an article from nymag.com’s Vulture section and it was everything I wanted to say before I even knew I wanted to say it. Maybe it’s because I’m so selfless or maybe because it is quarter to midnight and I want to go to bed, but I would like to redirect your attention to their piece because it discusses what most are not considering and what everyone should be thinking. I also liked it because it indirectly referred to me as an “educated entertainment consumer” because I agree with them. I love that title; I might put it on my businessless business cards my mom is encouraging me to order. Check it out here.

Finally, here is a context free quote from dinner tonight, courtesy of my dad. Just like they do in the Esquire magazine mailbag section. Revealing all my reading sources tonight you must think I’m a regular Christiane Amanpour.

I hate men. No, I really do.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Jenna: You don’t own any property?
Liz: No. Do you?
Jenna: I own my place here, my condo in Clearwater, and I bought some land in the 9th Ward after Katrina. I’m leasing it back to the government as a prison. Cha-ching

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Filed under Employment, Television, Tina Fey