Daily Archives: January 30, 2010

My first piece will be a dinner party at Martin Scorsese’s house with Christopher Walken and Gilbert Gottfried.

Dear Tina,

Tonight I am venturing into the city of dreams where I plan on having the meal of dreams. We are going to Minibar on Halsted that from 5-7 pm has dollar bruschetta. This isn’t your ordinary diced tomato with olive oil bruschetta. There are ten different kinds and the portions are generous enough that if you get four pieces you are more than sated. Bonus: it is served to you by men in v neck undershirts and ultra thin suspenders. Adorable. When you eventually hire me to work for you I think I’d like to have my going away party at Minibar. And everyone has to wear suspenders. You are of course invited. Normally I like to spend my Saturday afternoons moving from the couch upstairs to the couch downstairs to my bed and back to another couch always exploring various forms of sitting and lying down. However time is ticking with a 7 o’clock deadline so I have to go get in the shower.

When situations like this come up I feel bad for providing such a lackluster read so I try to make up for it with something entertaining to watch. I discovered the ditty below on stumbleupon.com. In most situations I don’t find impressionists to be the best solution to fill idle time I would like to spend laughing. Remember that show Frank TV with impressionist Frank Caliendo? A little annoying, right? I mean how many times can we see someone try their hand at Robert DeNiro and still be impressed? Well the video below featuring Josh Robert Thompson has a couple of those but they may tickle you. If they don’t, be patient and wait for 1:17 for the best (possibly only) Morgan Freeman impression you’ve ever seen. And it’s a white guy! Egads. The Arnold Schwazenegger at the beginning isn’t bad either.


Oh that carpet. The way it goes from wall to wall. Just doing what it does.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Jenna: I need your help. I’ve been asked to dine with His Majesty.
Liz: Well if you’re looking to sneak out the window, it doesn’t open. I already tried it.
Jenna: Should I say I’m still a virgin?
Liz: Wait you’re actually considering this?

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Filed under Employment, Television, Tina Fey