Daily Archives: February 3, 2010

I don’t vote Republican or Democrat. Choosing is a sin, so I always just write in the Lord’s name.

Dear Tina,

It was a whirlwind day in Illinois. By that I mean, on both the democratic and republican side we have not determined a gubernatorial candidate for the November election. This fact topped the news all day long. This just in: it’s still a tie. It’s bad enough that we have local news from 4:30 am until 6 am, and then at 11, and then at 4 pm, and 4:30, and 5, then again at 6, and in case your day still feels empty and uninformed, let us cap it off with a dash of local news at 10. All the while, “we have new reports that it is still too close to call.” I understand the need to let people know the status of election results but when said results literally haven’t changed, can we please adjust the time we devote to this subject down to 45 seconds? Just when you thought a primary election couldn’t be more tedious…we have a dead heat between bland and dull. I also love Chicagoans who respond to this with “Heh heh, that’s Illinois government for you.” Last I checked, the election was close because there were, literally, an almost equal number of votes for each candidate. I don’t think anyone is suspecting foul play here. But let us grasp on to that stereotype blindly and always assume that a politician working in Illinois is a crook. I’m sorry but U.S. House Democratic nominee Dan Seals has too nice a smile to have something up his sleeve. Also, did you know that there are two famous Dan Seals? I use the word famous loosely with both personalities. Below are their pictures. Try and guess which one is the politician.

You’re right. It’s the one in the cowboy hat. This may have been a tangent from television but hopefully you understand my real gripe is with repetitive news coverage. I don’t have time to listen to all of this election hoo-hah when what I really need is for these news programs to spend the first 10 minutes talking about how cold it was today. In February. In Chicago. I also didn’t feel like coming up with clever new ways to talk about American Idol guest judge Victoria Beckham an how her body frame makes mannequins look pudgy. I watched last night’s episode tonight and Vicki’s role as guest judge was to compliment the auditioner on literally anything except singing. I must be having a vulnerable night or something because normally I would have been hating this and writing up complaints like a crazy woman. But all I kept thinking about was how much it would mean to me if Victoria Beckham told me I had beautiful skin as she did for so many others. Alright I’m off to bed. I have to be well rested because tomorrow evening I am going to the city to see a show. It’ll be just like when Daddy Warbucks takes Annie out on the town for the very first time and she’s wearing her new threads. Except in this case I am Daddy Warbucks because my sister has not yet reimbursed me for the tickets.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Tracy: I can’t read! I sign my name with an X! I once tried to make mashed potatoes with laundry detergent. I think I voted for Nader! NADER!

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Filed under American Idol, Dan Seals, Primary Elections