Daily Archives: February 16, 2010

Elvis, haven’t you said that if a song reaches just one person, you’ve done your job? No. I never said that.

Dear Tina,

Do you know how long it takes to make mini Oreo cheesecakes? SO LONG! I volunteered to bring dessert to my Wednesday night friend fest and I didn’t budget my time very well in making the dish. I should have just gone with my instinct and taken care of this at work tomorrow with the added assistance of a five year old. Although he, like most five year olds, looks forward to cracking the eggs the most. Of course the last time I let him do this the egg landed on the counter/floor and the shell in the bowl. So maybe it’s a good thing I took baking off our Wednesday schedule. Now we can spend some time reading the latest book he checked out from the library, Tally Charts.

I was also not anticipating a two hour long episode of American Idol. So even though I am watching it right now, I won’t be done until close to midnight so I am going to have to save my review for Wednesday’s post. Sorry to disappoint you Tina. I know how hard it is for you to form an opinion on this show without me weighing in first.

It must not be a coincidence that something reminded me yesterday that the Glee playlist on my iPod was collecting dust because while watching American Idol there was a preview for the second part of the Glee season returning in April. Last fall I spent the majority of my car rides listening to said playlist and ignoring the fact that when I belt out the lyrics in the style of Lea Michele, my tone rivals that of a cartoon baby crying. Back in August, it was such a delight to discover, in what felt like a decade, a new show on network television that was actually good and could potentially have a shelf life longer than 12 episodes. And you know what I realized after seeing that preview tonight? It kind of is almost April! January lasted as long as a cat nap and February is over next weekend. Plus, I’m spending a 1/6 of March in Florida! If fractions intimidate you, that means five days. Right? The point is, as I have expressed before, I have great fondness for scripted television but as of late I feel like I have been watching very little of it. Then I started to get down on myself. All this time I wanted to think of myself as some sort of television maven and then I’d catch myself LOL’ing at an episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians. So the return of Glee is really important to me. For me, being reunited with a show I love is like how a diehard Cubs fan feels when baseball season starts again. I am mentioning this now to encourage anyone and everyone to tune in for at least one episode. Don’t disregard it just because you think it’s a 42 minute long musical that happens to air once a week. Don’t disregard it because you’re intimidated by Finn’s good looks and charm. You should be but don’t be.

Can I assign the minute and a half preview a best line? Ok I will: “Those sweaters make her look home schooled.” Come on. Hilarious right? April you can’t come soon enough. Also, Gossip Girl returns in March so this spring is really showing signs of promise. Judge me now for watching Gossip Girl because come March I’m going to make you eat your words. Also, sometimes I forget that these blog posts are direct letters to Tina. I would never tell Tina to eat her words. If you hire me Tina, I’m quite willing to never be right again. About anything.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Liz: Ok here’s one. You can have the powers of Superman for an entire year, but you can only have one sexual partner for the rest of your life.
Jack: Two question: Must I live by Superman’s moral code and will the sex woman get older?
Liz: Yes and yes.
Jack: Forget it. No deal.

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Filed under Commercials, Glee, Television, Tina Fey