Daily Archives: February 20, 2010

Now that you’re free, we can work on something together. Yeah! We can start our own network called “Bitch TV!” … or the second idea we think of.

Dear Tina,

I don’t think I have ever mentioned this before because I guess there has never been a reason. I have made it, hopefully, fairly clear the television shows that I think reign superior over network programming today. Taking first and foremost into account the quality of the writing, followed by the quality of the acting and then overall consistency of the show.  I’m sure over the past month and a half or so, I have neglected a few but that’s what the next 314 days are for. What I have regrettably been neglecting is a show that is no longer with us; one that no longer has the opportunity to be praised by me on a weekly basis. And that show is of course Arrested Development. Hands down, one of the smartest, most entertaining shows in–yes I’m going to go there–the history of television. I know that The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet had a strong showing in the 1950s but I don’t think Ozzie ever dressed up in his child’s dead wife’s maternity clothes. So…subpar to say the least. I bring this up not because I am about to go into a long, eloquent piece on all that made Arrested Development so wonderful. Uh, nor have I ever made an attempt to put something eloquently. I mention it with news that Will Arnett and Arrested Development creator Mitch Hurwitz are in talks to reunite for a new show. First a movie and now this?! Be still, my beating heart. The premise, according to nymag.com, has GOB Arnett playing “a rich Beverly Hills jackass who falls in love with a charitable tree-hugging woman who can’t stand his lifestyle or values.” Put that guy on a Segway and we are in business! Just the idea of a new sitcom with this kind of talent attached, it’s like the return of all that once was good on FOX. It is unclear if this show is being prepared in time for pilot season with the potential to air at the start of the Fall season. I strongly encourage all parties involved, that if this is not the case, make it so. Will Arnett’s guest stints on 30 Rock, though perfection, were a tease. Putting him back on the small screen on a consistent basis is the best television news I have heard since the announcement that The Tyra Banks Show was going off the air. COME ON!


Please note in the above clip, the presence of Phyllis from The Office.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Liz: Hey Frank, what do guys like?
Frank: Uh, porn.
Liz: No. I mean if you were going to go on a date with a woman, how would you want her to act?
Frank: Like she was in a porn.

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Filed under Arrested Development, FOX, Television, Tina Fey, Will Arnett