Daily Archives: February 22, 2010

I never get sick. I have the constitution of an ox.

Dear Tina,

In what has unexpectedly become a two-parter, today’s post is written under similar circumstances as yesterday’s. Yes, after spending an hour at the “Minute Clinic” (maybe they should rename it), my suspicions of strep throat were confirmed and I was sent home with a fresh supply of penicillin and a free thermometer! Wonderful. My overall body/brain functioning has been low the past 48 hours. For the past two days I have attempted to watch episodes of Project Runway in the early afternoon and fallen asleep in the middle. Although, that might be more of a reflection of the quality of that program since its move to Lifetime than my ailments. So while I am currently watching The Bachelor and taking copious notes, I am going to have to delay the official recap until tomorrow. Much to my chagrin. I will say this. We’re only 17 minutes in and Chris Harrison has already deemed Rosalyn, who took to the sheets with a Bachelor producer, the most controversial television character in 2010 and the event itself the biggest television moment of 2010. Well we’re not even two months in so…maybe not. But, because it’s coming from you Chris Harrison, I’ll let that one slide. I like you because you’ve put up with a lot of crazy over the years and somehow manage to ask all those questions while looking like you actually care about the answers. And you make a lot of money doing it so good for you. Also, I just saw that one of the contestants who must have left before I started watching it, is 29 and a nanny. If I am 29, and a nanny, AND on The Bachelor, I have clearly given up so just send me to a home. Gosh there is a lot of sparkly jewelry going on in this reunion special. The full recap tomorrow, I swear on my throat!

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Jack: Lemon, I want you and Jenna to have a meeting with James Franco and make sure his manager doesn’t screw her.
Jenna: Too late! Oh wait, which way did you mean that?

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Filed under The Bachelor, Tina Fey