Daily Archives: February 27, 2010

Lemon, I’m helping to organize a little fundraising dinner for John McCain this weekend, and I need some women to attend so it doesn’t turn into another sausage fest.

Dear Tina,

A reminder that tonight is the Misericordia T-Shirt Ball at Murphy’s Bleachers in Wrigleyville. I’m sure you’re busy or maybe a little worried that you might take attention away from the fundraiser if you were to come. I have a solution to both of those problems. If you are busy with work, why not have me do it for you while we’re there and I can show you what a great multitasker I am? If you don’t want to be bogged down by mouth breathers pointing and staring at your celebrity, just say to them “I know what you’re thinking. Tina Fey, right? Yeah, I get that a lot.” One time when I was in college a kid came up to me in a bar and said “I think I saw you in a play at Krannert.” I was like, God, give me my space I’m just trying to have a normal night! So I get it. Anyway, the invitation is open. A mere $40 at the door to make a difference. Free food and drink with that. A silent auction, a strong possibility of walking away with a new t-shirt if you participate in the raffle, and, if it’s anything like last year, a performance of a Paul Simon song by me. I’ll tell the door guys (my Aunt Donna and Uncle Bill) to keep an eye out for you. Briefly, anyone in the Chicago area is welcome and encouraged to come. So, please do.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Dennis: I knew that girl was 18. She told me that her last boyfriend was Asian. And that crap doesn’t start until college.

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