Big night, Lemon? Let me guess. Meatball sub, extra bread? Bottle of NyQuil? Tivoed Top Chef?

Dear Tina,

So as of yesterday at 4:30 pm I am officially on vacation until a week from Monday. Or as people who enjoy puns would say, “staycation,” as I am not actually going anywhere. But boy do I have plans for myself. Considering that my job causes me to lead the life of a frazzled stay-at-home mom, I plan on spending the week leading the life of a stay-at-home featured on any television show or movie set in California. I’m going to go shopping, get my nails done, maybe even treat myself to a massage, who knows! The week is my oyster and I swear if I spend one minute of it with anyone younger than 22 I might throw a fit. Just like how Alexis from The Real Housewives of Orange County feels.

Of course, how did I kick start this week of wonder last night? Well I made myself a grilled chicken sandwich around 6:30, watched last week’s episodes of Modern Family and The Real Housewives of New York City and  after eventually returning to my room, fell asleep sometime around 10:30. I remember thinking to myself that if I’m going to stay home I should at least tidy up my room, throw in a load of laundry, and maybe finish that Dear Tina post I was working on. But my problem was that I was thinking all of this while lying down on my bed and, for me at least, lying down on a bed usually leads to sleeping. I awoke sometime close to midnight with a chemical burn sensation in my eyes caused by napping with my contacts in and was asleep for the night shortly after that. To accurately describe my Friday night, I just looked up antonyms for “epic” and my computer suggested insignificant, small. Yeah that sounds about right.

To make up for that simple tragedy, I’m heading into the city in a couple of hours to meet up with some long lost theatre majors from college with plans to cause an array of trouble from there.

In brief TV news, I also happened to catch 20 minutes or so of Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution last night. What’s that you say? Eat less chicken nuggets? I’m sorry I couldn’t hear you over your lisp and adorable rugby shirt. Two points awarded for the British accent and two points deducted for doing little more with that show than stating the obvious. So, wash. Kids are fat. It’s a problem. And it’s because they eat pizza. I just don’t like it when words like “revolution” are attached to reality television shows because, not to be cynical, but I have a feeling that Jamie’s efforts will stop when ABC is no longer handing him a pay check.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Pete: Liz! It’s a massacre.
Liz: What is going on?
Pete: Brad came in this morning and started making cuts. I can’t go back to teaching high school math! Those girls pretend they’re not women yet, but they are!

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Filed under Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution, Reality TV, Tina Fey, Tired

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