Daily Archives: May 2, 2010

The fact that I suffer from attention deficit disor- Jack, your shoes are shiny!

Dear Tina,

Blurg. I missed 60 Minutes tonight. Normally I would leave that kind of pretentious statement to Northwestern Political Science majors who pretend to actually watch Meet the Press after they DVR it. Um sure, right after you finish watching The Hills. But I really did have every intention of watching 60 Minutes. Conan O’Brien was to give his first interview since he lost The Tonight Show to Jay Leno back in January. I saw images from the interview when the segment was being promoted and Conan looked bitter and bearded. Clearly this wasn’t a sit down to express best wishes to Jay and NBC. Hence, the appeal. There’s nothing worse than eagerly anticipating a tell-all interview, then watching it and the interviewee barely scratches the surface in divulging the details of the experience in question. Like Sarah Palin on Oprah. When talking about the Katie Couric interview disaster, she barely changed the script from her response back in 2008. Although she did mention that she read the Wall Street Journal which we all know is a lie so I clearly would have been better off watching a rerun of Clean Sweep on TLC.

So what was it that kept me from watching? Well, two-fold. The first is that I was at a play downtown and when I returned home (technically before the show began) I was so concerned with conquering the Dear Tina post I had left untouched from Friday that I lost all track of time and purpose. Which brings me to my second point. Sometimes I think I need to be diagnosed with temporary ADD.  I woke up this morning at 8 am (thank you, internal alarm clock) and had the rest of the day to get all the work done that I had let pile up since Friday. In that time I managed to read a variety of recaps on nymag.com, check my email 13 times, look at apartments for lease on Craig’s List that won’t even be available when I’m ready to move out, sang (in performance mode) songs from Glee, hurt my shoulder dancing to “Rude Boy” by Rihanna, looked through old pictures from my senior year of college, posted said pictures on friends’ walls on Facebook, and cleaned my room. In between almost all of those events I sat down to write a 30 Rock recap and every single time I would stop mid sentence and go on to the next activity. Like a crazy person. So, here’s to a better week. Where I stay on track and articulate my thoughts clearly while trying to remember that the word judgment does not in fact have an “e” after the g. We all just do our best, right? Please still hire me.

By the way, Conan O’Brien’s full interview is on cbs.com if you’re as interested as I am.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Jack: We’re going to nip this thing butt. Jenna is going to make a public apology tomorrow on Hardball. You know what that is don’t you?
Jenna: Yes. Should I prepare a song?
Jack: I really can’t wait to renegotiate your contract.

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Filed under 60 Minutes, Conan O'Brien, Self-diagnosed ADD, Television