Daily Archives: May 8, 2010

Did mommy have some wine before she called Elmo?

Dear Tina,

I’m going to see Avenue Q tonight. I’m partially familiar with some of the music, having performed it in my musical theatre class in college. A presentation that involved half the class pretending to be puppets and the other half working as their puppeteers. But that’s another story for another day………

I’m not sure how I feel about puppets being used to talk about adult subject matter. The idea of one of Elmo’s pals using the F word just doesn’t sit right with me. But I also take other people’s adoration of this show as a good sign that I myself will likely enjoy it. And I don’t know about you, but I for one feel like there are some moments in your life where you say to yourself, “You know how I can improve this day? By taking in a musical.” Works every time. Unless said musical is Kiss Me Kate and you drag your family there because your high school sophomore English teacher offered extra credit during the Taming of the Shrew unit. Not only will that experience make your day worse but it will haunt you years later. Oh the tediousness of it all.

After spending last night celebrating a friend’s birthday fiesta style, I am downright exhausted. Hopefully pre-show dinner and drinks at minibar where both are served by men in tiny suspenders (I’ve mentioned this before) will perk me up. I can practically guarantee that it will.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Liz: How did you get in here?
Jenna: Oh Liz, if you dress well and enter with confidence you can get in anywhere.
Liz: You showed the security guard your boobs, didn’t you?
Jenna: Just one. It’s not the White House.

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Filed under Avenue Q, Chicago, minibar, Tina Fey