Daily Archives: May 16, 2010

Now, you see, they don’t say things like that. They’re very polite to each other.

Dear Tina,

Here are three things I learned today. And I didn’t get out of bed until noon so the fact that I learned anything is a feat.

1. The town I live in is famous. Not only are we home to the only Baha’i Temple on the continent, a little nugget of trivia I hold very dear to me and throw into conversation at every opportunity, but now we are also the subject of satire in a recent article found in The Onion online. I discovered this little gem posted on someone’s Facebook profile:


The gist of the article is David Simon, creator of the grittiest grit on televison The Wire and Treme, has his sights set on a new community for his next in depth account of life on American communities: Wilmette, Illinois. Like Simon’s previsous work, the show, tentatively titled The Township with the tag line “Sometimes Things Are Exactly As They Seem”, will follow suit and expose the many truths behind the facade of what is happening on America’s street corners. “I want this show to be an unflinching dissection of how the system has in no way failed the people of this town.” All of this is making me realize more than anything that I should make The Onion a part of my daily repertoire.

“Simon also confirmed that he had hired a number of his usual writing collaborators, including hard-edged urban-crime author Richard Price, to help realistically capture the pleasant, grammatically impeccable vernacular used on the nice streets of Wilmette. Real-life citizens of the town will also be cast in various small roles to lend the show an intense, you-are-there quality.”

I hope he casts Idris Elba as the owner of the lamp shade store. Brilliant. Do click on the link and read the article in its entirety.

2. I ate lunch outside today. It was around 65 degrees let’s say. By the late afternoon my skin had turned a lovely shade of red. Luckily I thought it was a good idea last year to buy/wear sunglasses large enough to give me a suntanburn line that rivals ski goggles. Because if you’re going to get sunburned, you might as well put that cherry on your sundae and make it look as awkward as possible. So what did I learn from this you may ask? I need to start wearing moisturizer with sunscreen in it. Any recommendations? I thnk I used to but one time someone of the opposite gender told me I smelled like sunscreen and it was March. I’ve been pretty self-conscious ever since. I also learned that coming to a bar for lunch at 2 in the afternoon on a Sunday hammered drunk is not nearly as charming as you might think girl in the hot pink tank top who sat behind me and on a man’s lap.

3. Lee DeWyze received his song assignment for next week’s episode from Simon. This is huge. The person who Simon is assigned to choose a song for is almost always the show’s favorite. Apparently he will be singing “Hallelujah”, a song you know from when it was featured on half a dozen television hospital dramas. Not a good choice Simon. Mainly because Tim Urban sang it during the Top 16 and you should never give us cause to reminisce about that trainwreck. How do I know this? Because a girl at the party I was at last night is casually friends with Lee and happened to be at the AT&T store this past Friday when he received word. Sure sure sure, me too. I meant to call Lee and tell him I wouldn’t be able to make it. Ugh.

That’s all I have for you today Tina. I learned a lot. You in turn learned almost nothing. But that’s generally how things go here, isn’t it?

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Jack: Every division of the company is reaching out to the middle of the country. Our new mammogram machine is called the “Get ‘Er Done 2000.”

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Filed under Lee DeWyze, The Onion, Tina Fey