Daily Archives: May 23, 2010

All of my summer replacement shows were big hits…America’s Next Top Pirate, Are You Stronger Than a Dog?, M.I.L.F Island.

Dear Tina,

Well I accidentally took a three hour nap today. From 4 pm until 7 pm. So in spite of the fact that my alarm is set for 5:45 am and last night I was up until 3 am and it is currently 1:30 am, I am as alert as a baby waking up from a nap with a soiled diaper. The fact that it is approximately 1000 degrees in my bedroom is also not helping. Nor is the 1500 degree laptop on my lap. It’s just been one of those evenings. Anyway, as I continue to discuss with you the dismal television prospects of the imminent summer, I thought I would make an official list of shows you can expect to hear my opinion on from the time they premiere until September when I revert my attention back to worthy causes. The loop hole in this whole dilemma is actually cable television, that doesn’t abide by network television’s strict season schedule, and therefore has well written, well produced programming to watch even in the summer. My household has had cable for less than a year and I still wonder what we did for entertainment for the first near two dozen years of my life. Here is a list of shows I can look forward to this summer. Please feel free to bring my attention to anything you think I missed. As long as it’s not the Ashton Kutcher/Tyra Banks project True Beauty.

  • So You Think You Can Dance? (hosted by my second favorite reality show Brit, Cat Deeley)
  • Mad Men (brace yourself for January, or rather, my opinion of January)
  • True Blood (!)
  • Jersey Shore (yes this is one of the well produced cable shows I was referring to)
  • The Bachelorette (blech)
  • And virtually any program that airs on Bravo, but that’s nothing new.

Also, I plan on continuing my viewing of Friday Night Lights and discovering the apparent mystery gem that is Party Down. For now, I still have the American Idol finale to look forward to, three more weeks of Glee to delight in, and the poor decision to not air the new season of Parks and Recreation until mid-season to gripe about.

I should probably venture to bed now. Someone ship me a box fan.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Tracy: How many pages do we got so far?
Toofer: 5.
Tracy: Make the words bigger Toof!

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Filed under Summer Television, Tina Fey