Daily Archives: May 31, 2010

Ah, well you know how I hate it when people cheat or break the rules?

Dear Tina,

Here are three items I think we should all keep in mind as we go about our day to day business. Really, I’m a regular Miss Manners.

1. The line between funny and socially awkward is not a thin one. So if you are confusing the latter for the former, your antics will be interpreted as rude and/or uncomfortable. You will not be received warmly into a conversation unless you show immediate signs of regret for your behavior. When you bring a homemade dish to a pot luck party and someone asks you what it is and you say you don’t know, you have approximately 30 seconds to take it back before you are mentally removed from the picture.

2. When someone puts their turn signal on indicating that they would like to move into the right lane in order to make the next exit and you decide that you don’t feel like speeding up or slowing down, leaving them with the same amount of room before they indicated the need to move, you don’t get to flash your brights at them when they change lanes anyway. They gave you ample warning that the transition from one lane to the other was required. You could have moved ahead if you were so worried about being “budged.” One way or another that person needs to get off the highway, you not helping them with this process will not change that. Flashing your brights will only serve to remind the driver now ahead of you that there are, in fact, people in this world that they are better than. Those people are you. Because you are the worst.

3. Always wash your hair before you go to a party. Because people will take pictures and you will look heinous. Unless you want the general public to log onto Facebook and see recently tagged pictures of you indicating that you still have not matured to the point of daily grooming, you are better off putting in the extra effort. I suggest this with great sympathy as I understand the only thing more boring than showering is blow drying your hair. Actually I think the word I am looking for is empathy, because in fact I was the girl in question.

I hope we all learned a lot. Happy Memorial Day. Wave a flag. Thank a soldier. Be grateful.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Liz: [to a stripper] You know what, this is for computer classes.

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Filed under Manners, Memorial Day, Tina Fey