Jazz! Tap! Jitter Bug! Charleston! Interpretive! Twirl! Twirl again! Keep twirling!

Dear Tina,

With the start of the summer comes the return of one of my favorite reality TV competition shows, So You Think You Can Dance? (dance dance dance). You have to be familiar with the opening credits to get that joke so I apologize. The premise of this show, if you’re unfamiliar, is very similar to American Idol which should come as no surprise since the two shows share the same creator, Simon Fuller, and are produced by the same company, 19 Entertainment. Three seasons ago they even choreographed a dance to a song David Archuleta performed on American Idol. I would be more critical of this decision based on how I feel about David Archuleta but it turned out to be one of the best dances of the series so we give credit where credit is earned.

The new season started just one week ago and already we have moved past the auditions and onto the Las Vegas callbacks. In a spectacular use of their editors’ talents, the So You Think You Can Dance? team managed to turn a 12 day, 6 city audition tour into a mere five hours of exposition before we turned our attention fully to those who actually have enough talent to participate in the competition. This year they traveled to New York City, Miami, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas, and Nashville and Adam Shankman managed to wear a fitted vest for only a portion of his appearances. So already I’m seeing some character development this season. What I love about this show is the diversity in what is considered good enough to be invited to the callbacks. Sure with American Idol auditions you’ll hear a variety of tones and song choices, and some contestants are better than others, but when it comes down to it, you either sing well or you don’t. And that’s what puts you through. The standards for dance are not nearly as manicured. Those that stand out are not necessarily the ones that turn the fastest or jump the highest, but rather those who commit their bodies to telling a cohesive story between the music and the movement. With a competition like American Idol, the contestants are inherently removed from their audition piece because they’re singing a song they didn’t write, usually in a way that was predetermined for them based on the notes and lyrics. With dance, the audition is built from the ground up and relies entirely on the creativity and ability of the dancer himself.

The clip below is from this season’s auditions for So You Think You Can Dance? After making it to Las Vegas week last season, Teddy Tedholm was eliminated when he failed to meet the standards of one of the styles of dance they were presented with at callbacks. A memorable contestant despite his early dismissal, Teddy returned with an audition so brilliantly choreographed, I can think of no better example to summarize my point. And no, Adam Shankman’s heavy breathing is not lost on me.

He makes you feel something. Something more than just “I want to listen to you on my iPod!” He disturbs something with his movement that you can’t articulate, you just sense it. It is a beautiful use of talent and I love that this program gives dancers an outlet to express an art form that is so much more difficult than what those clowns are doing behind Justin Bieber.

Spoiler Alert. If you haven’t watched the second hour of the most recent episode, Teddy is eliminated during callbacks for the second year in a row. A shame, yes. But I appreciate the challenge the show presents. Sure you’re great at what you do, but can you salsa? Can you hip-hop? Can you lift a woman above your head? Because what they’re looking for is a dancer so talented and transformative that he/she can perform any style in a way that would have the audience believe they had mastered it years ago. Somedays I like to believe that I could become that dancer but then I remember that I’m nearly 24 and I barely clear a foot off the ground when I leap around my bedroom.

The producers are shaking things up this season. They’re giving the competition a Dancing With The Stars twist when they reach the top 10, introducing 10 all-star dancers from seasons past to accompany the contestants in their dances. So long as Kate Gosselin doesn’t show up in a tango costume, I’m fine with it. Also, Mia Michaels is back. This is the woman I would like to hire as my life coach so pay special attention to everything she says, and even more attention to everything she choreographs. It is outstanding.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Gerhardt: Knowing I have the love of a beautiful woman, has made me free!
Jenna: I think you just lost an eyebrow.

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Filed under Mia Michaels, Reality TV, Recaps, So You Think You Can Dance?, Summer Television, Tina Fey

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