I’ve got my life together, ok? Holy crap! Did your tooth just fall out?

Dear Tina,

So it’s day two of my wisdom teeth removal recovery. The first day was pretty smooth sailing. Had a milkshake. Took some meds. NBD. By the time I went to bed I was half considering going out tonight. But this morning things were a little different. For starters, there was a significant-size bruise developing on the right side of my face. Like a punk. It made me wonder why more brutes don’t consider the aftermath of barroom brawls. When your face is swollen, it doesn’t feel good. More importantly, it doesn’t look good. So politely remove yourself from a dangerous situation before someone jacks you in the face.

Now, I considered not sharing the following pictures with you for reasons that involve my self-esteem but the second one made me laugh every time I clicked on it so I figure life is short, why take it so seriously? I give you…my face.

The first one was taken this afternoon. Not too bad right? I’m considering donating this image to someone in need of an emo MySpace profile picture. If you know anyone who’s interested. I can give it a thermal camera effect if that would help.

This next self-portrait was taken right before bed. It’s like elephantitis of the jaw. Cute, right?

It’s too bad I couldn’t get a little symmetry going there. I could have looked like Bethenny Frankel while she was pregnant. Seriously, that is a square shaped jaw developing there. I wonder if that means I have to change the shape of my sunglasses for the next day or two until the swelling goes down.

I know that legally your hiring decisions are not allowed to be based on physical appearances, but if this gives you anxiety or the heebie jeebies, I promise that it will (or should) go away by the time you decide to fax me that employment contract.

I had soup for dinner. I hate soup.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Kenneth: Hello Angie. I hear you’re single now. That’s cool.
Angie: What?
Kenneth: I like your top. I’m a real good sex person. I do it all the different ways.
Angie: Well, I don’t have a husband anymore, so you can come over any time.
Kenneth: Oh, I will. I’ll come over at night!

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Filed under Tina Fey, Wisdom Teeth

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