I like it when you use your calm reasonable dad voice.

Dear Tina,

Day 4.

Today was Father’s Day. As you may recall, on Mother’s Day I wrote a list of the qualities I appreciate the most in my mom. It would seem like a disservice to my dad to not do the same on this day, yes? Well unfortunately I’m actually writing this on June 28th and this post is one in a series of why I allow laziness to get the best of me. So it doesn’t seem appropriate to honor the least lazy person I have ever met, my dad, under these circumstances. With that said, please return to Dear Tina July 29th, his birthday, when I honor the man who spent the mornings I was in school doing this to my lunch bags:

I should also mention, as I will continue to do so, that I was in Michigan this weekend and not leaving until the late afternoon does not bode well for Dear Tina. By the time I got home, I was so overwhelmed just to be able to check my email again that I fell asleep from all the excitement before I could even delete my spam.

My B.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Jenna: I’m taking you out to celebrate. We’ll meet some new people.
Liz: You mean at like a discotheque?
Jenna: Oh boy.

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Filed under Father's Day, My B, Tina Fey

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