Oh hello, sir. I’ve been taking in laundry to make extra money. I just don’t let myself read the T-Shirts with off color slogans.

Dear Tina,

Day 5.

I slept in today, which was not a part of my summer plans. I always planned on setting my alarm every day out of fear that, if I didn’t, it would be mid-July and my daily routine would involve getting up around noon and finding myself still in pajamas at 7 pm. But I was coming off a weekend of little sleep so I thought I earned it.

This day was also dedicated to laundry and unpacking and then a surprise trip to the city for an apartment viewing. Might there have been a moment in there to jot a few quick notes down in Dear Tina? Let’s just say no for my self-esteem and because, sometimes, a girl just needs to maker her delicates a priority.

It’s a good thing my sister moved out as I have successfully turned her bedroom into my drying room.

The apartment viewing was not a success, as you might assume based on Tuesday’s post, but by the time I got home, I only had the energy to fold one last load of laundry, using my laptop solely for playing hot tracks while doing so. No scheduled Dear Tina time.

My B.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

[Pete walks in wearing a toupee]
Liz: What?
Pete: Don’t ask.
Jack: Who is this leader of men!? What can I do for you handsome?

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Filed under Apartments, Chicago, My B, Tina Fey

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