We’ve come a long way from that little apartment we shared in Little Armenia.

Dear Tina,

Day 6.

Just when you think I’ve highlighted all the major things that are keeping me so busy and inattentive, alas we get to Tuesday when some of the biggest news of the year fell into place. After a long and arduous search for the perfect apartment in Chicago to live in, today my roommate and I found it.

So there we go Tina. Come August 1st, I will officially be a resident of the city of Chicago. My friend Lara said this was two years in the making. I reminded her, it was 24.

Also Tina, you will be so proud to know that the location of my apartment is in your beloved Old Town. Home of The Second City.

I’m thrilled. And it only took viewing 10 apartments to find Mr. Right. I should write a book à la Candace Bushnell.

An adventure that started in the morning and ended with me taking a 45 minute walk to the leasing office after I got off at the wrong stop. By the time I got home, I had to dedicate all of my attention to the interview that would be occurring the next day and, likely, a recorded episode of The Real Housewives of New Jersey. Alas, Dear Tina was left untouched.

My B.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Jenna: If your man leaves in boxers and comes home in briefs, that’s a deal breaker ladies!  If he wears an Atlanta Falcons jersey to your sister’s wedding…
Jack: That’s a deal breaker ladies!

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Filed under Apartments, Chicago, My B, Tina Fey

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