Daily Archives: June 23, 2010

I’ve already been promoted once since this morning. That’s pretty fast! With a little hard work, I can be back at VP status by the time I’m 60.

Dear Tina,

Day 7.

Today was a big day. I had a job interview for my dream job. If my dream job was an entry level position, which at this point, if it comes with dental insurance, it is. I’m not going to go into details for reasons that mainly involve my self-consciousness and partly involve a need to be professionally discreet, but I can tell you that if the interview started at 2, I needed to spend the entire morning prepping for it. And by prepping, I of course mean trying to control the spinning in my head and going shopping for new shoes for my interview outfit.

It went great. Great in the way that doesn’t necessarily mean I’ll be hired but in the way that means I’m pretty sure she didn’t make a “gag me” gesture when I turned my back to leave.

I’ll keep you posted.

When I got home, I had spent a good portion of my afternoon walking around Chicago in heels so I had to insert a lot of rest time into my evening. I also had to take a couple of hours to climb down from my high of “God I hope I get it!” And, yes, it was a musical high inspired by the opening number from A Chorus Line.

So much to think about, so little time to write Dear Tina.

My B.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Dennis: Maybe I’ll pick up some Chinese.
Liz: Aww, you said Chinese instead of something offensive.

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Filed under Chicago, Employment, My B, Tina Fey