I say we hire the one who lives by the code of the robot: Care. Love. Live.

Dear Tina,

Day 8.

So now we know that I have a job, well, a summer job, and that all came together on this day. Today I had a meeting in Naperville at 1:00. This meant that I had to leave my house at 11:45. That meant I had to be in the shower no later than 10:45. And of course prior to that I had to clean my room. Which forced me to actually get out of bed. So that gives you my morning.

The meeting in Naperville took approximately 30 minutes. I was officially hired. But the idea of spending only half an hour in a place that took me an hour to get to was a bit unsettling so I bothered good old Meg for some entertainment and met her at her other job as a nanny.

By the time she was done there it was obviously time for us to sit outside and have a drink in the sun.

I left an hour or two later and returned home to find my Aunt and Uncle in from San Francisco. When their dinner was over and I had taken my contacts out, it was past bedtime and no time for Dear Tina.

My B.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Jack: I’m here to talk to you television about the monetizing of today broadcast. Was any of that usable?

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Filed under My B, Naperville, Tina Fey

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