I want all the hot dogs please! And I’m giving them to the good people!

Dear Tina,

Day 10.

It’s hard to do this backwards because I have to explain to you that I was in Naperville Saturday until about 4:00 for reasons you won’t know about until the next post, so we’re collectively going to accept that this is how it’s going to go from this point forward.

I returned to Wilmette around 4:30. I had to nap…I mean, rest sometimes has to come first, especially when you’re anticipating a day that will involved men dressed in grocery bags. Followed by a shower, followed by a trip into the city that would involve a sleepover in order to be raring to go Sunday morning. While we all acknowledged that it would be in our best interest to get a goodnight sleep, my friend Stephanie and I took that to mean we should stay out until 3:30, grab a cheeseburger on our way home, and stay up until 5 making fun of the man who pretended to be British at the last bar we were at.

The guy literally had a Chicago accent but would call soccer “football” and pretended that his biography rivaled that of Billy Elliot’s. Or something. Either way, it earned harsh reviews.

So, with all that lounging in Naperville sans computer and uncomfortable visits to The Wieners Circle, there was no time for Dear Tina.

My B.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Liz: I can’t believe you bet your wedding ring.
Pete: I know, the weird thing is, I had money left.

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Filed under Chicago, My B, Naperville, Tina Fey, Wieners Circle

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