Daily Archives: June 28, 2010

I don’t know. I think Liz is right about this. Lutz has been totally slacking off since his grandma died.

Dear Tina,

Um. Oops.

You may be wondering where on Earth I have been the past eleven days. The answer is…I’ve been busier than I ever knew one could be while still unemployed. So here’s the thing, in honor of my determination to write a post every single day this year (the year of Cath), I am going to list for you, in countdown form, an explanation for what was going on the days I decided to slack on my commitment to Dear Tina.

Now, here’s the thing. Senior year of college, one of my roommates (who was also an Acting major) and I were running late for class and we decided it would be more efficient to drive. The fact that there was snow on the ground and ice on the roads proved this idea to be a terrible one. When we subsequently arrived late, my roommate said, “I’m sorry but the roads were awful and it took us longer than we expected to get to class.” My professor’s response was, “Is that an excuse or an apology? Either give an excuse or apologize. You can’t do both.” And by his tone we knew that giving an excuse wasn’t actually being presented as an option. So we apologized. And silently wept for the remainder of the class.

Not really, but my point with this story is that while I may be giving you excuses, I am not “excusing” this behavior. So Tina, I apologize. Sincerely. And if I had even the slightest inkling that you might actually be reading this, I would send flowers. But until you send me an email…at blogdeartina@gmail.com…I can only assume you are in fact, not. So my heartfelt blog apology, or blapology (no? not a fan?), will have to suffice.

Continue to scroll to find out just what has kept me in such a bind.

Just to be clear, in case you’re confused by the title, no one in my family died. And I apologize if, for that reason, the title offends you. But they’re talking about Lutz, you can’t be offended when it involves Lutz.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Greta: Would you consider yourself competent?
Jenna: Oh yes, I love cats. I used to have two cats, but then we moved to this place with hardwood floors so we had to put them down……..I’m joking.

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Filed under Employment, My B, Tina Fey