Daily Archives: August 1, 2010

50 Things I Learned While Not Writing Dear Tina


If you’re going to pull into a gas station with your windows down, might I recommend not blaring TLC”s “Unpretty.” It suggests that, A. musically you’re out of touch as that song wasn’t good when it was hit in 2000 and B. you’re the type of person who likely has the awkward combination of Dove ads and Cathy comic strips taped to your refrigerator. Other songs that fall under this category are, coincidentally, TLC’s “Waterfalls” and TLC’s “No Scrubs.”

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Pete: The more people you add, the less effective it is. Like a neighborhood dad garage band.
Liz: Come on it’s just Dot Com.
Pete: It won’t be, because this is what you’re doing.
Liz: I’m driving a bus?
Pete: No… you’re opening the flood gates.
Liz: With a horizontal wheel?
Pete: Flood gate wheels are horizontal!

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