Daily Archives: August 6, 2010

50 Things I Learned While Not Writing Dear Tina


I’m sure to those who are advanced users of “Excel” feel differently, but I find that program infuriating. I just want it to know automatically that when I select Helvetica font, size 12 in column A, that I want the same in column B. Come on! This is not an invitation to train me in Excel by the way. I find that the more you complain and the less you learn, the more material you have for your blog.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Toofer: Oh yes, we’re all very strict Verdukians.
Kenneth: Oh, my apologies. I never heard of that religion. What do you all believe in?
Toofer: Oh many things; the healing power of root beer.
Lutz: That a man can have up to nine wives if two of them are male.

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