Daily Archives: August 12, 2010

50 Things I Learned While Not Writing Dear Tina


What the H is happening on True Blood? I saw the cover of Rolling Stone so I can only assume great things. I realized that the answer to why I can get behind the cultural obsession with vampires via True Blood and not the Twilight series lies solely in Alexander Skarsgard’s physique. Oh my man.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Jack: The point is, a lot has happened to me since the retreat last year, so I hope that when I return they still think of me as the same guy.
Liz: You’ve got camp jitters!
Jack: What?
Liz: You haven’t seen your business camp friends in a year and now you’re afraid everyone’s going to think you got weird.

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Filed under 50 Things I Learned While Not Writing Dear Tina, Tina Fey