Daily Archives: August 18, 2010

50 Things I Learned While Not Writing Dear Tina


The casting department over at ABC, in charge of selecting contestants for The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, is supposed to be looking for the cream of the crop. The casting department at MTV, on the other hand, purposefully hires train wrecks to be on their reality programming (remember the girl who had an abusive boyfriend and an eating disorder and MTV thought the healthiest path for that young lady included an open bar and a national audience?). Yet now we have the new show Bachelor Pad on ABC that invites former contestants from the Bachelor/Bachelorette series to all hang out together in a mansion and win money in their swimsuits. This group of adults has officially entered Real World/Road Rules territory. The only difference between this group of America’s brightest and most desperate and the 20 year olds is that the parents of the former probably saw the lives of their children going in a more positive direction when they attended their college graduations.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Jenna: It’s funny I’ve actually played Peter Pan on Broadway. Did you know there’s a Broadway Street in Tampa?

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