Daily Archives: August 23, 2010

I’m back, Lemon. I’ve had the most productive summer of my life.

Dear Tina,

Is summer almost over? Is that what I should be anticipating right now? Because, oh my, has this not been the summer of leisure. If I have received any hint of color from the Chicago sun, it came in the form of awkward sunburns that left awkward strap and sleeve lines on my shoulders. This had the potential to be an awesome conversation starter for a summer party (not really), but when you only get one day off and the night before that day you’re done with work after midnight and the day after that day off you’re needed back at work at 6 am…well sleep takes precedent over general social needs. On a similar note, you may have noticed it has been approximately 34 days since my last post. And on top of that, there has been a total of 50 missing Dear Tina entries. Not that I envision all of my faithful readers waiting with bated breath every morning as the Dear Tina page loads (er, I do), but I do hate to disappoint. So if you return to the first day of missing entries, June 30, 2010, you will discover the first in a series of 50 posts titled “What I Learned While Not Writing Dear Tina.”

Is this cheating in my mission to write a post everyday in hopes that you, Tina, will hire me to work at 30 Rock and/or to hold your umbrella? Absolutely. Am I above minor deceit? Probs not.

We can even argue that these are not official posts as they do not have 30 Rock quotes for titles. Full disclosure: the reason for this is because finding 50 content-related quotes over the course of only a couple of days is more work than I have personal time in my day.

So enjoy the read. Hopefully it makes up for lost time. I do recommend starting on June 30 and working your way up as that was the order it was written. But either way the dates are irrelevant. As I discuss things that happened in August in July. Fine.

It’s nice to be back. I probably won’t have time to write tomorrow. Wah wah.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Liz: You provide a point of view that is essential from keeping the diversity… guy from bothering us.

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Filed under 50 Things I Learned While Not Writing Dear Tina, Tina Fey