Daily Archives: August 24, 2010

Lemon, if there’s two things I’m certain of; one is that you’ll never finish that quilt.

Dear Tina,

I didn’t have much of a summer. Not in the way I had anticipated. If there’s ever a season to be unemployed, it’s summer. I envisioned spending my days going to quaint yard sales and finding really charming dessert plates for the apartment I would be moving into. I pictured myself sunning on the balcony of our house while reading literature that everyone was reading ten years ago (I read The DaVinci Code during the summer of 2006, several years after it was a #1 Bestseller. I was waiting for the controversy to settle).

I even found a little chest at a rummage sale in May that I wanted to repaint light green in my garage while listening to music that no one really has a current opinion on, like Dave Matthews Band, to keep from irritating the neighbors. Or, really, to keep them from irritating me. “Is that Glee?! My daughter LOVES Glee!” Ugh. Next you’re going to ask me if I can babysit for her this Saturday aren’t you?

But it turns out, I spent my summer getting whatever awkward tan lines accompanied whatever shirt I was wearing on any given day on set. And a plethora of bug bites. Which was extraordinarily more fulfilling.

Although, if you have any leads on cute dessert plates, I am technically still interested.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Jack: Tracy, this is wonderful. I had no idea you were interested in baseball.
Tracy: I wasn’t. My motorcycle hit a police horse. This is community service.

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Filed under Employment, Summer, Tina Fey