Daily Archives: November 12, 2010

You want a confession? Lets get this done so I can go eat.

Dear Tina,

Oy vey.

I wish I could tell you the reason I’ve been gone for so long is because I was studying and preparing for my conversion to Judaism. But no. I’ve just always really enjoyed the Jewish catchphrases. I find they are the perfect sentiment to convey disappointment in oneself and the situation at hand all at once.

It’s been awhile that’s for sure. I follow a blogger who once made the comment that she hates when other blog writers, who are incapable of keeping up with their blog–an activity that is fairly self-indulgent to begin with–write a long apology to their readers for not writing in awhile. As if anyone really cares.

But I am sorry.

I’m sorry because what I was doing while away was not oh so significant. My days were by no means filled with the kind of activities and stress that would prevent me from spending an hour noting the Gossip Girl costume designer’s ability to find dresses for Blake Lively with more cut-outs than a paper snowflake.

The movie I was working on this summer wrapped at the end of August. Scratch that. I am currently sitting in the production office catching up on my correspondence, with my role as Casting Associate delightfully intact through the filming of  the pick-up shots beginning next week. Yes, work with this film was supposed to wrap at the end of August, but, like a homemade sheet cake, I have trouble walking away from it.

Unlike in August, when I had a working schedule that rivaled that of medical interns, my work this fall as been much calmer and therefore certainly agreeable to blog writing. Lord knows I’ve been watching enough television to have something to say on a near minute to minute basis.

So in honor of the year’s end right at our heels, I am recommitting myself to Dear Tina.

3o Rock Quote of the Day:

Grandma Baird: It’s too soon, Andrew.
Liz: I know we tried to take it slow…
Grandma Baird: Life!  I have more I want to do.
Liz: Oh right, you.  Of course.

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Filed under Employment, Shakey, Tina Fey