So Much For Your Golden Years

Dear Tina,

I bought this game for my grandma for her 109th birthday. She was super pissed.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Kenneth: I let Mr. Jordan see his obituary.
Jenna: He’s dying?  Fine.  I’ll sing at his funeral.

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One response to “So Much For Your Golden Years

  1. amanda

    1. i’m a little late on the uptake. my apologies.
    2. january 10th is my birthday. a definite great day to start doing something with the thought of bettering yourself but not really calling it a resolution because who needs resolutions anyway. yes.
    3. i am in the half that got that. shakey. and laughed out loud at it. you’re welcome.
    4. i ate lunch with you today. and i liked it.

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