Category Archives: Allen Open

I wanted to invite you to join me at a charity golf tourney that Don Geiss is hosting at his country club in Old Sadebrook. I’m not familiar with about half the words in that sentence.

Dear Tina,

Day 3.

I was in Michigan for a family reunion of sorts. It doesn’t really feel like a family reunion because almost the entire family lives in the Chicagoland area and we see each other throughout the year, but this weekend is an annual tradition, one that has existed for close to 20 years I believe. The weekend is known as the Allen Open, which should infer that golf is involved. Yet, there are approximately 30 people who attend and only 6 or 7 who play golf. At least, only 6 or 7 willing to get up after a Friday night at the Allen Open to play golf…It probably doesn’t surprise you to know that I am not one of those people.

Anyway, of all the days that Dear Tina was abandoned, this weekend had the most legitimate excuse. But for the real excuse you’ll have to keep reading.

No laptop. No Dear Tina.

My B.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Executive: Mr. Parcell. We. Love. Gold Case. How do we make your show?
Kenneth: I thought y’all would know where to get cameras and stuff.

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Filed under Allen Open, My B, Tina Fey

Yo! This blackout messed me up. I didn’t get to debut my dragon face.

Dear Tina,

Day 2.

So the real reason behind no Dear Tina posts all weekend doesn’t necessarily involve a lack of laptop (although I really didn’t bring it with me so I guess it does…), but rather the Michigan storm of the century that left the Allen Open without power from start to finish.

I arrived around 3 in the afternoon just in time for a dip in the pool and a shower that would leave me smelling not like a pool. Shortly after I finished drying my hair (phewph), the power was gone and I was left to ice the dessert I brought by candlelight. Just like in colonial times. They used tubs of Pillsbury, right?

I have to say this. I don’t know what other families would have done when left with the task of feeding 30 people without electricity, but I can tell you that the Allens are survivors who love a nice meal so we made it work. We made it work for a total of six meals starting with dinner on Friday and ending with lunch on Sunday. It was a feat that could not have been accomplished without a sincere appreciation for all the nuts that comprise this family. Nor paper plates.

We were told to use plastic cups but honestly the idea of my mom agreeing to drink wine out of a plastic cup was about as likely as seeing Ted Haggard at the Pride Parade. It just wasn’t going to happen.

By the time the weekend was over, we realized that everything is easier with a stove but not necessarily more fun. The annual 4 am conversations were held by candlelight and no one ever strayed from the group to check the score of the game on television. It was a delight. But Dear Tina was out of commission.

My B.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Cerie: Hey, guess what everyone! I’m engaged.
Frank: Hey, this isn’t going to change the way you dress or eat lollipops is it?
Cerie: No.
Frank: Oh. Then, congratulations.

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Filed under Allen Open, My B, Tina Fey