Category Archives: Chicago

St. Patrick’s Day: A Day For 21 Year Olds to Use Up the Facial Glitter They Bought When They Were 11

Dear Tina,

There are a few things to go over here. All related to St. Patrick’s Day. An expired topic, really, considering today is March 20. But now that I have had time to reflect on these epic series of events, I thought I might share.

Like many Irish American citizens and citizens with an appreciation for socially condoned drinking before noon, I celebrated the great Saint Patrick the Saturday before the actual holiday. My knowledge of the origin of St. Patrick’s Day grew exponentially when about a year and a half ago I decided to ask my dad “What is the origin of St. Patrick’s Day?” Not unlike the time I asked my dad why we celebrate Easter. I was a sophomore in high school at the time and I had gleefully been hunting for plastic eggs around the house my whole life. Little did I know there was something even more miraculous than finding an egg in the bathroom potpourri that happened that day.

Since that conversation, I have learned that what we Irish have to thank Saint Patrick for is bringing Christianity to Ireland. In fact, it was the shamrock that Patrick used to illustrate the Holy Trinity to the people of Ireland. So as I traveled to a meeting at 9:30 in the morning the Saturday before the blessed day, I was tempted to ask one of the many girls representing Ireland by adorning her face with shamrock stickers, if she knew the significance of her decor. I didn’t because most of these girls were either clapping loudly or focusing a great deal on making sure their eyes weren’t already crossing at this early hour. I am not so far past my college days that I don’t understand the desire to be highly intoxicated at an hour that will inevitably lead to a nap by 1:30 PM, but what I don’t understand, and never really have, is the need to wear this while doing so:

Come on people. No one, I mean no one, looks good with this thing on. Not even the seven year olds at 4th of July celebrations for who they are intended. And while on this particular day, they are usually worn by men or women who want to leave the impression that they are so drunk they accidentally left the house wearing something SILLY!….I tend to believe that it was carefully laid out the night before alongside their shamrock pajama pants, in the case of men, and for the women, next to their cut-off denim shorts paired with kelly green tights. This isn’t about making smart fashion choices, it’s about not being a moron. Why don’t you just wear  hat that says “If I’m not acting disorderly now, follow me around for 5 minutes with your plastic handcuffs at the ready.”

On a similar note, women, as eager as we all are to wear green, this does not necessarily need to include your eye shadow. We get it. You’re not necessarily Irish, but you are definitely drunk. Even if you were to just wear a small green pin, we would get it. Boarding the train screaming to the rest of your posse (is that what the kids are calling it these days?) in a manner that would leave us with the impression you have just come out of a surgery that unhinged your jaw, is clue enough as to your intentions for the day.

What did I do on St. Patrick’s Day Saturday Edition you ask? I puked in the newly dyed green Chicago River by 9 AM and then went to Walgreens to purchase new stickers to replace the ones that had fallen off during the upheaval. No, I jest. (But I bet if all of Chicago read this blog, at least one young lady would have responded “Ohmygodmetoo!”) Like I said earlier, I had a meeting that kept me out of the bars until about 12:45. Eventually I arrived at the location where my friends had been holding down a table for over 3 hours. My friend Lara assured me she had only had a few beers so I would have no trouble catching up. I found this hard to believe considering all the extra vowels she used in a text coaxing me to where she was (ie Caaaaaaaaathyyyyyyyyyyy). I joined them as soon as I got off the train as I’ve never really minded being the soberest in a bar. It makes up for the times I’ve fallen asleep in a booth. As soon as I got there, they informed me there was a woman walking around the bar without a bra on. Not really a selling point for me, but not necessarily a deal breaker. I learned shortly after that, that the woman’s bra had broken while she was there and much to my chagrin, but not her husband’s, it was unfixable. My friend had tried to assist in the fixing of the bra so the woman was eternally grateful and decided to hand down some truly priceless marriage advice. I use all caps to indicate volume. “MARRIAGE IS FUCKING HARD AND ANYONE TELLING YOU DIFFERENT IS LYING. THEY’RE FUCKING LYING. EVERY NIGHT I’M LIKE ‘I WANT A DIVORCE’ AND THEN I WAKE UP AND I’M LIKE, NEVERMIND. WHEN HE PISSES ME OFF I JUST PUNCH HIM! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. IT’S SO FUCKING HARD.” Ahh, the dream.

Later in the afternoon, an Irish gentleman (I love this holiday the most because the men with accents just come out of the woodwork) told my friends and I we needed to stand up on the benches lining the walls, rather than sit on them, in order to have enough room for a makeshift stage. As it turns out, this man was an Irish dancer pimp of sorts, as he paraded out a whole gaggle of dancers for the bar to be entertained by. The age range of this group maxed out at maybe 17 or 18, but started at about 6, which made me extremely uncomfortable. They did, however, dance to The Departed soundtrack, so I took that as a sign I should call my boyfriend (it’s one of his favorite movies) and hold my phone a mere three inches from the speaker. Clear as a bell, I’m sure. Never been so happy to hear from me.

Shortly after, we left and began to wander. My friend ran into a kilted man on the street and lifted his skirt to reveal his underwear-less lower half. The fact that women are allowed to do this without being thrown through a window, as a man might be were the situation reversed, I think evens the score for women who like to complain that when men sleep around they’re players and when women do it they’re whores. I say it’s worth it.

We met up with other friends who had spent the morning in a different neighborhood. After I showed my ID to the bouncer at the bar they were at, I was led into an average size event tent. As I continued to walk, I found myself in another tent. And then another. Three tents. No bartenders. Here’s the thing. While bars may be inclined to maximize their capacity on a day like this, it doesn’t count when you place us all in a similar setup to the livestock auction I attended, literally, in Ireland. When we finally found our friends they were waiting in line to enter the actual bar to get a drink/sandwich. The line was moving fairly aggressively and as I turned around Lara’s impatience and hunger had grown, and she said she needed to leave to get food. It all happened so fast. I was being pushed further and further along into the bar and farther away from her. I too was hungry, but I couldn’t figure out where she said she was going fast enough. The pressure was mounting. It was like Sophie’s Choice, but instead of choosing between my two children, I was choosing between Lara and a beer.

Shortly after that, I was standing inside with an ice cold beer in hand, chatting away.

When my friend’s sister has mustard spilled on her pants (the worst) we all knew it was time to go and half of us re-met up with Lara, who was thankfully still alive. At this point I was too aware of the fact that all I had eaten that day was a granola bar and was on a mission to get some sustenance inside me. Earlier Lara had been squawking via text message (it’s a skill no one else I know has) about how she was eating at “Tina Fey’s restaurant.” To my sister, she squawked she was at “Tina Gey’s restaurant” in a way that was not passively aggressively insulting, but more a reflection on how blurred her Blackberry keyboard had become. What she was trying to say was that the bar they were at, Glascott’s, was attached to the Athenian Room, a restaurant you, Tina, have apparently noted as your favorite in Chicago. Thrilled, I crossed the bar and into the restaurant. I wasn’t feeling the lamb kabobs so I went with the cheeseburger. Never has anything tasted so I good. Good recommendation Tina.

The night ended at a bar back in our neighborhood and the atmosphere was kind of like if you threw a party in a dumpster in your alley. When we made the educated decision to leave, we dropped by the local McDonalds. So the girl who had only had a granola bar in over nine hours, suddenly had a cheeseburger and fries and chick nuggs and fries resting not so calmly in her stomach. A horse could have confused my internal organs with a salt lick. As a citizen of Ireland (a fact I’ll trot out on any day of the year), I feel proud to have honored by heritage on March 12 with green Budweiser and McNuggets.

When March 17 rolled around, the actual St. Patrick’s Day, I had kind of lost my fervor for all things green. I had co-hosted a ladies night on Tuesday that involved five regular bottles of wine and 2 1.5’s for six people, so I certainly wasn’t itching to have any more celebrations sponsored by booze that week. I spent St. Patrick’s day with my main squeeze, celebrating what some might consider a trite anniversary of six months together. But I found it delightful. Plus we had Italian, which blows corned beef out of the water.

Part of me looks forward to the day when I, like my mom, say to those much younger than me “What day is it? Saturday? Oh that’s that day you kids drink all day long isn’t it? Oh I can’t imagine.” Contrary to the way I have formatted this quote, my mother is not 86. But I can sense myself maturing out of the loud mouth-ery that accompanies this celebration, which is a good thing, especially for my fellow bitter CTA riders. It also prevents me from being one of the four girls my sister’s friend saw on a street corner at 8:30 in the morning Saturday, wasted, wearing green Snuggies. Ahh, youth.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Jack: Every organization needs new blood once in a while.  Like Hank Hooper says in his new book (“In the Hoop”) “New blood is the life blood of every company’s blood.” He’s not a strong writer.

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Filed under Chicago, St. Patrick's Day

I’m not gay. I’m bi-larious!

Dear Tina,

Day 11.

I was at Chicago’s Gay Pride Parade. I woke up at 10 am, a brutal hour for reasons you will understand when you read Saturday’s post. By 11:30 am I was at minibar with a cocktail, a plate of delicious minibar buffet brunch, and a gay man who repeatedly pushed away bangs that didn’t exist on his forehead. This bar was also home to the most beautiful man I have ever had the privilege of seeing in real life. You may have spotted him if you were walking down Halsted. He was the one dancing in the window of minibar wearing briefs and, well, nothing. He might not have stood out from the four men to his left doing the exact same thing…….

What I love about this parade is that it brings together such an eclectic group of people all there to celebrate a part of our society that is so often shamed and undermined. We get to have the Chief of Police Jody Weis waving to the crowd in a convertible, followed by this guy:

That picture is actually vintage, Gay Pride Parade circa 2009, but the man is wearing a dress made entirely of Jewel grocery bags. He needed some attention. The point is the same.

Anyway, after nearly eight hours of standing, dancing, and walking in the sun, I was sure my body was going to give up on me. On the walk back to my car, which felt endless, I passed a child being pushed in a stroller and I have never felt a wave of jealousy wash over me so intensely.

I went to bed 20 minutes after I got home. Approximate time: 9:30, and Dear Tina was left untouched.

My B.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Tracy: I’m up for anything.
Josh: Well I thought me and you could play Seinfeld and Bill Cosby.
Tracy: No. I don’t like that.

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Filed under Chicago, Gay Pride Parade, minibar, My B, Tina Fey

I want all the hot dogs please! And I’m giving them to the good people!

Dear Tina,

Day 10.

It’s hard to do this backwards because I have to explain to you that I was in Naperville Saturday until about 4:00 for reasons you won’t know about until the next post, so we’re collectively going to accept that this is how it’s going to go from this point forward.

I returned to Wilmette around 4:30. I had to nap…I mean, rest sometimes has to come first, especially when you’re anticipating a day that will involved men dressed in grocery bags. Followed by a shower, followed by a trip into the city that would involve a sleepover in order to be raring to go Sunday morning. While we all acknowledged that it would be in our best interest to get a goodnight sleep, my friend Stephanie and I took that to mean we should stay out until 3:30, grab a cheeseburger on our way home, and stay up until 5 making fun of the man who pretended to be British at the last bar we were at.

The guy literally had a Chicago accent but would call soccer “football” and pretended that his biography rivaled that of Billy Elliot’s. Or something. Either way, it earned harsh reviews.

So, with all that lounging in Naperville sans computer and uncomfortable visits to The Wieners Circle, there was no time for Dear Tina.

My B.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Liz: I can’t believe you bet your wedding ring.
Pete: I know, the weird thing is, I had money left.

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Filed under Chicago, My B, Naperville, Tina Fey, Wieners Circle

Oh, there’s a new bartender! Maybe I can get him to serve me something.

Dear Tina,

Day 9.

The reason I was in Naperville was because I have been hired as a Casting Associate for an independent film shooting in Chicago this summer. So, with regard to that…!!!!! Do you see what I mean? I haven’t just been sitting around, twiddling my thumbs, ignoring you. Unemployment has proved to be not so footloose and fancy free. I was in the office—in Naperville if you’re not following—from 9 until 5 and since there’s no point in making the hour long commute home when I have dear friends who live in Naperville, I stayed.

Unfortunately for me, this dear friend Meg had work that night so I left the office, drove to a discrete parking garage where I could change into something that didn’t scream new girl in the office and then walked around a local park for an hour and a half. Thankfully Meg had given me a magazine the day before so I also got to kill an extra half hour reading all the information seeping out of this month’s In Style.

When I arrived at her work place, which is a restaurant by the way, she still had a couple of hours until her shift was over so I made quick friends with the bartender (in part because we were actually already friends) and had a couple of drinks and a couple of sliders. Followed by a night dancing to Taio Cruz. I lead quite a life.

So with a day filled with work and a night filled with the kind of endless fun you can only expect from the Western suburbs of my favorite city, Dear Tina once again fell be the wayside.

My B.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Jack: No no no no no. You can’t say that. Jeb Bush is a friend of mine.
Frank: Who should I change it to?
Jack: Sean Penn. No, Barbra Streisand.

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Filed under Chicago, My B, Naperville, Tina Fey

I’ve already been promoted once since this morning. That’s pretty fast! With a little hard work, I can be back at VP status by the time I’m 60.

Dear Tina,

Day 7.

Today was a big day. I had a job interview for my dream job. If my dream job was an entry level position, which at this point, if it comes with dental insurance, it is. I’m not going to go into details for reasons that mainly involve my self-consciousness and partly involve a need to be professionally discreet, but I can tell you that if the interview started at 2, I needed to spend the entire morning prepping for it. And by prepping, I of course mean trying to control the spinning in my head and going shopping for new shoes for my interview outfit.

It went great. Great in the way that doesn’t necessarily mean I’ll be hired but in the way that means I’m pretty sure she didn’t make a “gag me” gesture when I turned my back to leave.

I’ll keep you posted.

When I got home, I had spent a good portion of my afternoon walking around Chicago in heels so I had to insert a lot of rest time into my evening. I also had to take a couple of hours to climb down from my high of “God I hope I get it!” And, yes, it was a musical high inspired by the opening number from A Chorus Line.

So much to think about, so little time to write Dear Tina.

My B.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Dennis: Maybe I’ll pick up some Chinese.
Liz: Aww, you said Chinese instead of something offensive.

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Filed under Chicago, Employment, My B, Tina Fey

We’ve come a long way from that little apartment we shared in Little Armenia.

Dear Tina,

Day 6.

Just when you think I’ve highlighted all the major things that are keeping me so busy and inattentive, alas we get to Tuesday when some of the biggest news of the year fell into place. After a long and arduous search for the perfect apartment in Chicago to live in, today my roommate and I found it.

So there we go Tina. Come August 1st, I will officially be a resident of the city of Chicago. My friend Lara said this was two years in the making. I reminded her, it was 24.

Also Tina, you will be so proud to know that the location of my apartment is in your beloved Old Town. Home of The Second City.

I’m thrilled. And it only took viewing 10 apartments to find Mr. Right. I should write a book à la Candace Bushnell.

An adventure that started in the morning and ended with me taking a 45 minute walk to the leasing office after I got off at the wrong stop. By the time I got home, I had to dedicate all of my attention to the interview that would be occurring the next day and, likely, a recorded episode of The Real Housewives of New Jersey. Alas, Dear Tina was left untouched.

My B.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Jenna: If your man leaves in boxers and comes home in briefs, that’s a deal breaker ladies!  If he wears an Atlanta Falcons jersey to your sister’s wedding…
Jack: That’s a deal breaker ladies!

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Filed under Apartments, Chicago, My B, Tina Fey

Oh hello, sir. I’ve been taking in laundry to make extra money. I just don’t let myself read the T-Shirts with off color slogans.

Dear Tina,

Day 5.

I slept in today, which was not a part of my summer plans. I always planned on setting my alarm every day out of fear that, if I didn’t, it would be mid-July and my daily routine would involve getting up around noon and finding myself still in pajamas at 7 pm. But I was coming off a weekend of little sleep so I thought I earned it.

This day was also dedicated to laundry and unpacking and then a surprise trip to the city for an apartment viewing. Might there have been a moment in there to jot a few quick notes down in Dear Tina? Let’s just say no for my self-esteem and because, sometimes, a girl just needs to maker her delicates a priority.

It’s a good thing my sister moved out as I have successfully turned her bedroom into my drying room.

The apartment viewing was not a success, as you might assume based on Tuesday’s post, but by the time I got home, I only had the energy to fold one last load of laundry, using my laptop solely for playing hot tracks while doing so. No scheduled Dear Tina time.

My B.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

[Pete walks in wearing a toupee]
Liz: What?
Pete: Don’t ask.
Jack: Who is this leader of men!? What can I do for you handsome?

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Filed under Apartments, Chicago, My B, Tina Fey

It was terrible. I went to her apartment. I don’t think she has a toilet. I saw my future, Jack.

Dear Tina,

Well if saying goodbye to the children wasn’t hard enough yesterday, tonight I will be going into the city for my best friend’s going away party. Not my favorite kind of party. The one friend that has stayed by my side (and by my side I mean in the suburb I live) is leaving in just a few short days and not returning until April. What am I to do? Who am I supposed to watch the premiere of The Rachel Zoe Project with? Who is going to keep all my complaining in check? Who is going to roll his eyes in disgust but still love me when I burp grotesquely a mere foot away from his face? Full disclosure: one time in high school I once burped so aggressively he said that my mouth looked like a horse when it brays. What a lonely time this shall be.

Look at us, like two peas in a pod…

Oh wait. Those are the Sprouse twins. Here we are…

Aren’t we a pair?

To my dear Danny, because I know you technically read this more frequently than Tina, I’ll miss you. Come back in one piece. This request includes not getting a face piercing.

In preparation for tonight’s big event, I decided to spend the day looking for an apartment to live in come August 1st. What did I learn after eight viewings? That some Chicagoans are disgusting. I’m not asking for everyone to be meticulous, but I tell you seeing the layers and layers of dirty dishes in some of those sinks…I can’t even think about it because it’s causing my gag reflex to act up. Rather than letting a cereal bowl, that appeared to be filled with the contents of a garbage disposal and dirty water, sit on your counter, why not just rinse it out and place it in the dishwasher to your right? Honestly. I know that when people move out, they’ll take their filth with them, but I just don’t have the imagination required when it comes to squalor. I just can’t picture myself living in a place that is maintained that way while I’m visiting. P-U. Fix it.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Tracy: Liz Lemon, recently I realized I have a hole in my heart.And not the one I got from eating batteries.

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Filed under Apartments, Chicago, Tina Fey

What sports does NBC have these days? Off-season tennis.

Dear Tina,

I’m heading into the city in about ten seconds. Well ten seconds plus the amount of time it takes me to take a shower, get ready, and make my bed. I hate leaving my home for the night and returning the next day to an unmade bed. It’s so slovenly. So…in about an hour.

This is much earlier than I I usually like to head into the city on a Saturday afternoon because history shows that earlier I enter a social setting, the earlier I decide (or am asked) to leave it. Jokes. But really it would have been nice to squeeze in an afternoon nap.

As a Chicagoan who doesn’t watch sports, I am averagely excited about tonight’s game 1 of the Stanley Cup Finals featuring the Chicago Blackhawks (On NBC! Bum bum bum). Featuring? Is that how I should phrase it? I mean, it’s what I would say if I was referring to participants in a play so…that’s ok, right? Probably not. Like how sometimes in high school I would accidentally refer to students’ athletic practices as “rehearsal.” I’m in way over my head.

I was on the phone with my friend earlier and she was telling me that the venue where I am planning on watching the game is going to be packed tonight. “Like that day we went to KAMS [a bar at the University of Illinois] really early for that game? What was that game for?” It was for the NCAA Men’s Basketball national championship featuring the University of Illinois. A fleeting memory, apparently. She and I have a great deal in common.

So yes tonight I will be cheering on the Blackhawks and, if a fan will let me, asking a lot of questions. And more likely than not, standing atop my soap box to denounce the National Hockey League for allowing such barbaric fighting to occur on the ice. I am going to be a treat.

Go Chicago!

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Tracy: Are you a large child or a small adult?

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Filed under Chicago, Chicago Blackhawks, NBC, Tina Fey

Did mommy have some wine before she called Elmo?

Dear Tina,

I’m going to see Avenue Q tonight. I’m partially familiar with some of the music, having performed it in my musical theatre class in college. A presentation that involved half the class pretending to be puppets and the other half working as their puppeteers. But that’s another story for another day………

I’m not sure how I feel about puppets being used to talk about adult subject matter. The idea of one of Elmo’s pals using the F word just doesn’t sit right with me. But I also take other people’s adoration of this show as a good sign that I myself will likely enjoy it. And I don’t know about you, but I for one feel like there are some moments in your life where you say to yourself, “You know how I can improve this day? By taking in a musical.” Works every time. Unless said musical is Kiss Me Kate and you drag your family there because your high school sophomore English teacher offered extra credit during the Taming of the Shrew unit. Not only will that experience make your day worse but it will haunt you years later. Oh the tediousness of it all.

After spending last night celebrating a friend’s birthday fiesta style, I am downright exhausted. Hopefully pre-show dinner and drinks at minibar where both are served by men in tiny suspenders (I’ve mentioned this before) will perk me up. I can practically guarantee that it will.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Liz: How did you get in here?
Jenna: Oh Liz, if you dress well and enter with confidence you can get in anywhere.
Liz: You showed the security guard your boobs, didn’t you?
Jenna: Just one. It’s not the White House.

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Filed under Avenue Q, Chicago, minibar, Tina Fey