Category Archives: The Hills

Cerie, for the last time, I have never been married. That’s the spirit!

Dear Tina,

Inspired by Andy Cohen’s “Here’s What” segment on Watch What Happens Live, I bring you three items happening in the world of television today.

1. During a commercial break for The Real Housewives of New York City, Bravo aired a preview for the new show coming this June, Bethenny Getting Married? A word of advice to all current and future television producers: do not include a question mark in the title of your program. Unless the title is a legitimate question that pertains directly to the plot of the series, i.e. Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? Now every time I reference this show in conversation (which will be frequently as I will inevitably tune in to every episode), it will sound like I am speaking with the kind of upward inflection 8 year olds use to tell stories where the end of every sentence sounds like a question: and then I went to the park? And went down the slide? More to the point, why the question mark in the first place? What was the subtitle the creatives came up with? Bethenny Getting Married? Really? That old hag?  I understand that was kind of her schtick on the first couple seasons on RHONYC, alone looking for Mr. Right, but still that question mark is awfully patronizing.

2. I happened to catch 10 minutes of a The Hills rerun this morning—a decision caused by the dangerous combination of boredom and laziness. With that disclaimer and the acknowledgement that I understand everything on that show is staged and possibly written, Spencer Pratt is off his rocker. There is a thin line on reality television of enjoyment and disgust. A line so thin that it may be more accurately described as blurred. But watching Spencer react to minor conflict as if he were confronting the universe with history’s greatest tragedies, it makes you wonder if maybe he has stockholm-syndromed himself and this persona he created a few years ago for the sake of the TV show has begun to resonate with him. In the most recent episode, we see that he has taken to wearing crystals all over his body as a tool to help center and calm him. His mustached sidekick Charlie suggests maybe they aren’t working as Spencer practically hyperventilates in front of him. “I know they’re not working that’s why there’s hundreds on me right now.” Oh Spencer, I can’t wait to catch you on season 8 of Celebrity Rehab with Doctor Drew. Ten bucks says the crystals make a reappearance.

3. I read a blurb last week where Steve Carell was quoted as saying he plans on leaving The Office when his contract is up at the end of the upcoming seventh season. First Simon Cowell then Oprah and now this? If I was skeptical of the world ending in 2012, I think I’m quickly becoming a believer. I imagine in the case of The Office they’ll find a replacement for Carell rather than end the series altogether. I won’t write off this idea just yet. Sometimes shaking things up and bringing on a new personality can shift the dynamic in a way that will breathe life back into the story. At the same time it’s really hard to imagine Scranton without Michael Scott coming to work everyday in a PT Cruiser and lady suits.

Alright I hope that was inspiring. ClearlyI dedicated a good portion of my day to contimplating critical moments in the world of pop culture. As I always do. 30 Rock recap tomorrow. Jenna’s mom Verna was back and Lutz played his own mom. So, par for the course. Goodnight.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Kenneth: Well it’s finally over, Ms. Maroney.
Jenna: Yes. And it’s hard to even remember how it all began.
Kenneth: [whispers] You burnt my jacket.

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Filed under Andy Cohen, Bravo, Steve Carell, The Hills, The Office, The Real Housewives of New York City