Category Archives: Tina Fey

50 Things I Learned While Not Writing Dear Tina


No matter how cute you look on top, you wear sneaks with a nice outfit, you look like a fool.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Jonathan: Liz!  Mr. Donaghy wants to see you immediately about what Jenna and Tracy did during the St. Patrick’s Day parade.
Liz: Was it something good?

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Filed under 50 Things I Learned While Not Writing Dear Tina, Tina Fey

50 Things I Learned While Not Writing Dear Tina


Apparently someone invented a product called “spicy peanut butter.” If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Becca: Dude, I know you’re getting these messages, because I know how to check your voicemail.  You are officially a d-bag, Tim!  I hope you loose your indoor soccer game!

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Filed under 50 Things I Learned While Not Writing Dear Tina, Tina Fey

50 Things I Learned While Not Writing Dear Tina


I am reminded of this by the presence of the children of crew members on location with us: playing with Barbies was so fun. Just ask my brother. He used to sit outside the play room and watch my sister and I do so for hours. We would open the door a sliver and let him experience all the secondhand fun he wanted.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Tracy: I know love at first sight when I see it.  I saw it when I met Angie.  I saw it the first time Dot Com laid eyes on Grizz’s fiancé.

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Filed under 50 Things I Learned While Not Writing Dear Tina, Tina Fey

50 Things I Learned While Not Writing Dear Tina


What the H is happening on True Blood? I saw the cover of Rolling Stone so I can only assume great things. I realized that the answer to why I can get behind the cultural obsession with vampires via True Blood and not the Twilight series lies solely in Alexander Skarsgard’s physique. Oh my man.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Jack: The point is, a lot has happened to me since the retreat last year, so I hope that when I return they still think of me as the same guy.
Liz: You’ve got camp jitters!
Jack: What?
Liz: You haven’t seen your business camp friends in a year and now you’re afraid everyone’s going to think you got weird.

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Filed under 50 Things I Learned While Not Writing Dear Tina, Tina Fey

50 Things I Learned While Not Writing Dear Tina


I always wanted to believe that I could tell the difference between skim milk and 2% milk. But I can’t. So some days we’re a little more fat, some days we’re a little less. EIther way, that Oreo cookie tastes delicious.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Jack: Yes Lemon, important people get better health care.  They also get better restaurant reservations, bigger seats in planes…
Dr. Spaceman: A more refined class of prostitute.  For me, it’s really about the companionship.

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Filed under 50 Things I Learned While Not Writing Dear Tina, Tina Fey

50 Things I Learned While Not Writing Dear Tina


Sometimes when I have a lot to say to someone on the phone who I don’t know, I forget to breathe and then it sounds like I’m short of breath just from talking. I imagine they either visualize me as morbidly obese or as someone who suffers from a severe anxiety/socially awkward disorder. Meh.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Jenna: Jack. It was perfect, like a John Mayer song.

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Filed under 50 Things I Learned While Not Writing Dear Tina, Tina Fey

50 Things I Learned While Not Writing Dear Tina


Things that are gross: dead birds. Clean it up Chicago!

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Danny: There’s rumor that it’s Miami.  Is it Miami?
Liz: Close.  It is a city with an NBA team.  And even though Will Smith never wrote any raps about it, the poet Robert Lowell lived there.
Pete: Ok we’re going to Boston.  Nobody’s happy.

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Filed under 50 Things I Learned While Not Writing Dear Tina, Tina Fey

50 Things I Learned While Not Writing Dear Tina


Speaking of music, I’m not a caffeine drinker. It’s not a health thing. It’s an I-don’t-like-coffee-thing, which I addressed earlier. If it was a health thing, I probably wouldn’t be in the craft service room eyeing the blueberry coffee cake right now. Anyway, as a substitute, I have turned to my iPod in the early morn to get my energy at the same level as those people who drink Red Bull for breakfast (gross). Try it some time. I’m telling you right now “Show Me Love” by Robyn is like a double shot of espresso.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Jenna: Liz, I can’t do girls lunch today,
Liz: We’ve never done that.
Jenna: …because I have an audition for Gossip Girl.
Pete: Oh I love that show.

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Filed under 50 Things I Learned While Not Writing Dear Tina, Tina Fey

50 Things I Learned While Not Writing Dear Tina


I’ve always meant to recognize one of my favorite song lyrics of all time:

Not only does your body bang/But I miss the conversation too

I can only hope that if I ever develop a long-distance relationship, the man expresses a similar sentiment to me. Jesse McCartney, you’re such a poet.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Liz: My cousin Randy, this kid from this rural coal mining town came out to us. And I think old Liz Lemon had little something to do with that
Liz: Randy’s gay everybody! He’s gay!

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Filed under 50 Things I Learned While Not Writing Dear Tina, Tina Fey

50 Things I Learned While Not Writing Dear Tina


I’m sure to those who are advanced users of “Excel” feel differently, but I find that program infuriating. I just want it to know automatically that when I select Helvetica font, size 12 in column A, that I want the same in column B. Come on! This is not an invitation to train me in Excel by the way. I find that the more you complain and the less you learn, the more material you have for your blog.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Toofer: Oh yes, we’re all very strict Verdukians.
Kenneth: Oh, my apologies. I never heard of that religion. What do you all believe in?
Toofer: Oh many things; the healing power of root beer.
Lutz: That a man can have up to nine wives if two of them are male.

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Filed under 50 Things I Learned While Not Writing Dear Tina, Tina Fey