Category Archives: Wendy Williams

Congratulations on 50 shows everyone. Enjoy your decorative air holders, you deserve them.

Dear Tina,

Today marks my official 100th post of Dear Tina! So I ask: WHERE ARE YOU? I mean, New York City, yes I know, but when can I expect to hear from you? When people stay sober for 100 days they get parties thrown for them and coins to carry in their wallets, don’t they? They do. This project is the longest my attention span has been sustained in my whole life. I would say that is a reflection of my growing maturity and the way the job market is today shouldn’t we be more concerned with people’s personal accomplishments than their professional ones? Or am I just saying that because I am a full-time babysitter with a degree in imagination Acting? Don’t answer. In any case, if you could just offer a sign that I am in consideration for future employment at 3o Rock I might bare to continue this blog for the next 100 days. Like tonight when you host Saturday Night Live you could pull on your ear lobe or wear your glasses at some point. Anything subtle to let me know I’m on your mind. I would really appreciate it. Also, while you’re over there at studio 8H I think you should pitch the idea of Andy Cohen hosting Saturday Night Live to Lorne. Andy Cohen of Bravo fame of course. Maybe America wouldn’t be that excited about it, but imagine how fun the after party would be. Cocktails with Andy Cohen is a recent addition to my bucket list. Also, having a bucket list is a recent addition to my life. And there’s only one item on it (see: above). Plus I think he could do a killer Wendy Williams impression.

Good luck tonight on Saturday Night Live. I’ll be watching it tomorrow afternoon on my couch possibly with a headache but definitely with a smile. If your nerves start to get the best of you this evening just go and knock on Justin Bieber’s dressing room door and ask him to tell you a story. It will inevitably turn into him hitting on you and you will be so disoriented, you’ll forget all about how the live show about to commence is riding on your shoulders. Trust me.

I don’t know how to cut clips so please watch the following clip from 0:19-0:38. Tell me Seth Meyers can’t find a way to incorporate this material into a show.

Come on.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Jack: Kenneth, as you may have heard, Jonathan no longer works here.
Kenneth: Yeah, the assistants talked about it at Finnigan’s, the bar we all go too after work, in my dreams.

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Filed under Andy Cohen, Saturday Night Live, Television, Tina Fey, Wendy Williams