Tag Archives: Exercise

My exercise video is dropping soon. It’s called “Jenna gets hard.”

Sometimes, when leaving your home to go exercise, half the battle is putting on a sports bra. And when your God given anatomy requires you to wear two, you just want to give up half way through the first one. It’s like Sisyphus and his boulder (Imagery correlation intended). So you give up and decide to blog about it instead and realize half the battle is remembering how to spell exercise.

I think I’ll just go add Bonnie Franklin’s I Hate To Exercise, I Love to Tap to my Netflix Queue

Also, this is neat.

30 Rock Quote of the Day:

Liz: Well she has a point. I was reading the new Malcolm Gladwell New Yorker piece on my kindle.
Jack: Did you really read that?
Liz: No I did not.


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Filed under Television, Tina Fey